The New Health Conversation

The New Health Conversation

What is Intermittent Nutritional Fasting

Intermittent fasting has been a popular trend for weight loss and improved health, but recent clinical studies have shown that it is not as effective as previously thought. However, a revolutionary enhancement to intermittent fasting has been discovered by the world experts at R2M: Intermittent Nutritional Fasting™ and Protein Pacing®. This protocol has been scientifically proven to produce safe weight loss in just four days, which would typically take six weeks on any other diet ever studied.

The key difference between Intermittent Nutritional Fasting and traditional intermittent fasting is that it focuses on nutritional density rather than just caloric reduction, elimination, or time restricted eating.

The R2M protocol involves days of caloric reduction (not nutritional reduction) called Protein Pacing days, where a person would consume nutritionally dense formulas twice a day along with one normal healthy meal, totaling around 1200 to 1500 calories. These formulas contain the necessary nutrition for the body to function optimally and consuming them helps the body detoxify naturally.

Intermittent Nutritional Fasting Days are always 48 hours consecutively.

These Intermittent Nutritional Fasting days are the best of all worlds in that you are fasting without starvation because you are getting the nutrition that the body requires. This allows the body to naturally detoxify. What do the peer reviewed scientific studies say about Intermittent Nutritional Fasting and Protein Pacing?

 In recent peer-reviewed scientific studies published in the Nutrition Journal (NJ) and the Obesity Journal (OJ) that utilized the Intermittent Nutritional Fasting and Protein Pacing protocols people have seen dramatic reduction of 33% of visceral fat ,25% reduction in inflammation markers (testing done using the T-bars analysis), and most importantly the removal of toxins like phthalates (plastics) from the body.

All of these reductions occurred in 4 to 8 weeks in the studies. In addition, there was drastic reduction in the factors the CDC says are contributing to 9 or out 10 Americans being metabolically unhealthy.

The CDC said if you have 3 of these five factors, overweight, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high triglycerides you are metabolically unhealthy. In the peer-reviewed studies in the (NJ) and (OJ) all five of the factors making people metabolically unhealthy came down.

It is also estimated that 50% of the U.S. is obese, 50% have high blood pressure, and one in three adults are pre-diabetic. There has also been in those individuals needing to lose weight tremendous safe weight loss with a gain in lean muscle mass.

Many people in 4 days lost as much weight as on 12 weeks of dieting or any kind of exercise program.

The peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that individuals who followed the Intermittent Nutritional Fasting and Protein Pacing protocols experienced a dramatic reduction of 33% of visceral fat and a 25% reduction in inflammation markers, as well as the removal of toxins like phthalates from the body. These results were seen in just four to eight weeks. Additionally, there was a significant reduction in the factors contributing to metabolic unhealthiness, such as being overweight, having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high triglycerides.

It is estimated that half of the US population is obese, half have high blood pressure, and one in three adults are pre-diabetic. However, Intermittent Nutritional Fasting and Protein Pacing offer new hope in safely and effectively combating these issues. In fact, participants following the INF protocol lost 16 lbs. in 30 days, which is significantly more than those following other diets including intermittent fasting. Furthermore, individuals gained between 4 and 6% lean muscle mass with INF, whereas other diets showed a loss of lean muscle.

In conclusion, Intermittent Nutritional Fasting and Protein Pacing are a revolutionary new protocol that focuses on nutritional density and safe weight loss. With the current health crisis affecting the majority of the US population, it is essential to explore the proven health benefits of INF and Protein Pacing to combat obesity and improve metabolic health. So, let’s embrace The New Health Conversation and commit to the R2M protocol for a healthier future.

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