The New Health Conversation

The New Health Conversation

Discover the Latest Scientific Breakthrough That's Shocking the Medical World!

Backed by New Peer-Reviewed Human Trial Studies on Diet & Health

Dr. Paul Arciero

Dr. Paul Arciero, one of the top nutritional researchers in the world for nearly 40 years, warns against weight loss protocols that are lacking peer-reviewed human trial science. He proves the R2M Protocol in his recent peer-reviewed human trials studies, is incredibly effective as a weight loss solution. These studies are compared to previous results in both weight loss and improved health from nearly four decades of analysis.

“I have been looking for the magic bullet for weight loss and to maximize our quality-of-life potential for 40 years, and now I have found it.”

He exclusively recommends the R2M Protocol, which incorporates Intermittent Nutritional Fasting® (not intermittent fasting, or fasting) and Protein Pacing®. These elements have been proven to be safe and effective in his published peer-reviewed human trial studies that analyzed the R2M Protocol’s Intermittent Nutritional Fasting® and Protein Pacing®.

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Peter Greenlaw

Peter Greenlaw, a researcher of researchers, has shared valuable insights through co-authored books and over 1,500 global lectures. He introduced The TDOS Syndrome®, linking toxicity, nutritional deficiency, overweight, and stress to energy, sleep, stress, and weight gain.

“You do not know how bad you feel until you realize how good you can feel.”

The New Health Conversation® features health scientists, medical experts, and the top nutritional researchers, in the world. He is a frequent guest on various media platforms, including ABC Windy City Live and Fox Los Angeles. He has also appeared 20 times on PBS.

Studies by Dr. Arciero & Others

Nutrition Journal study compared 2 days of intermittent nutritional fasting using the r2m protocol to 1 day of Intermittent nutritional fasting.

Comparison of 8 weeks of protein pacing with nutritional fasting using the r2m protocol versus heart healthy Mediterranean-style diet on body composition and cardio-metabolic health outcomes (NO exercise). Groups were matched for total calorie intake and physical expenditure. The r2m protocol results in comparison to the Mediterranean Diet.

Comparison of 8 weeks of protein pacing with nutritional fasting (r2m protocol) versus the heart-healthy Mediterranean-style )diet on gut microbiome health outcomes. Both groups were matched for total calorie intake and physical expenditure.

Comparable Studies

The comparison between the R2M protocol studies published in the Nutrition Journal, Obesity Journal, and Nature Communications, compared to the meta-analysis from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the New England Journal of Medicine studies on well-known diets, highlights significant differences in outcomes regarding weight loss and improvements in various health markers. 

Discover a 12 Month Study analyzing all diets by name. The results were very poor with an average weight loss on all diets of only 16 lbs. in a year. Note: The Journal of The American Medical Association Study was not conducted by Dr. Arciero. It was done by the American Journal of Medicine.

This was a 12-month study broken into two groups. Group #1 reduced calories (as in most traditional diets) Group # 2 did Time-Restricted Eating where they did not eat for 16 hours and ate in an 8-hour window. This is known as the 16-8 diet.

Results after 68 weeks were as follows:

Breakdown of studies findings:

1. Weight loss

JAMA Study: Average weight loss of 16 lbs over 12 months across 7,286 people in 48 different diet programs.

Nutrition Journal and Obesity Journal (r2m Protocol): Average weight loss of 16 lbs in just 30 days, showing a weight loss rate 12 times faster than those in the JAMA study.

2. Lean Muscle Mass

r2m Protocol: Participants gained 6-9% lean muscle mass despite not exercising.

JAMA Study: Participants generally lost lean muscle mass on other diet programs.

3. Metabolic Syndrome Factors

r2m Protocol: Significant reductions in all five co-factors of Metabolic Syndrome:

JAMA Study: No significant reductions reported in these metabolic factors.

4. Inflammation

r2m Protocol: Inflammation reduced by 25%.

JAMA Study: No reduction in inflammation reported.

5. Waist Circumference

r2m Protocol: Average reduction of 4 inches in waist circumference.

6. Comparative Results with Heart Healthy Diet (Mediterranean Diet)

r2m Protocol (Obesity Journal):  Participants lost 68% more weight in 8 weeks compared to those on the Heart Healthy Diet in the New England Journal of Medicine study. programs.

7. Toxicity

r2m Protocol: Visceral fat (toxic fat) reduced by 33% in 8 weeks.

JAMA Study: No reduction in visceral fat or other toxins.

8. Gut Microbiome - Nature Communications study (r2m protocol compared to Mediterranean Diet)

Nature Communications compared 8 weeks of protein pacing with nutritional fasting (R2M protocol) against the heart-healthy Mediterranean-style diet in terms of gut microbiome health outcomes. Both groups were matched for total calorie intake, with no exercise included.
The R2M protocol featured a gentleman who achieved a 105-pound weight loss in 120 days. He maintained this weight loss for one year and underwent significant remodeling of his gut microbiome. Furthermore, he sustained this healthier gut microbiome remodeling a year later.


The studies on the R2M protocol, as published in the Nutrition Journal, Obesity Journal, and Nature Communications, indicate a significantly more effective approach to weight loss and overall health improvement compared to the diets reviewed in the JAMA meta-analysis and the studies in the New England Journal of Medicine on other well-known diets. The rapid weight loss, muscle gain, and comprehensive metabolic improvements suggest that the r2m protocol is a superior method for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and metabolic profile.

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