The New Health Conversation

The New Health Conversation

8-Hour Diet vs. Calorie Restriction: Effectiveness

The 8-Hour Diet. How do you do it, and does it work?

The latest dieting fad to pop up on The Greenlaw Report radar is known as The Eight-Hour diet, and yes, it’s as simple as it sounds. This diet is an uninspired take on intermittent fasting, but it is watered down even more. The average eight-hour diet lasts anywhere from one week, up to a month. Naturally, the burning question we had was how do you follow this eight-hour diet? What are the secrets and amazing results hiding behind this latest trend that separates it from the herd? Regrettably, we are still searching for any newsworthy testimonials. The eight-hour diet is as ineffective as it is simple. File this one in the, “too good to be true” cabinet, along with the other 99% of fad diets.

The eight-hour diet is just the latest example of a protocol that has been mutated and simplified in the hopes of attracting the masses. Basically, this is the cliff notes version of intermittent fasting with fewer restrictions. Before we dissect the reasons why this diet will fail, let’s actually break down how to follow the eight-hour diet.

What do you do on the 8 Hour Diet?

In summary, within every 24 hours, the eight-hour diet supposedly works by limiting food consumption to eight hours and then fasting for the remaining 16 hours each day. During the eight-hour period you choose as your, “eating” window, there are no restrictions on what, when, or how you eat. Feel like ice cream, pasta, and bagels? Go ahead! Just make sure that the additional 16 hours your body is fasting. The simple fact that there are no caloric or dietary restrictions within the eight hours should be enough for most of us to understand why this program will never be successful.

Apparently, the part of the protocol that is half right is the 16 hours of fasting. Technically, adding a 16-hour fast to an otherwise no-restrictions, eat what you want for most of the day would be enough to have this protocol fall into some bizarre subgroup of intermittent fasting. Once the lines are blurred and intermittent fasting is introduced as part of the protocol, the trap has been set, and people give diets like this a shot.

Intermittent fasting has piqued the interest of the general population as a valid protocol to improve overall health and wellness but is it really the tool it is being advertised as? This is where the water gets murky. Yes, intermittent fasting has been around for centuries, and now the latest scientific analysis is that the 8 Hour Diet is no more effective than any other diet by restricting calories during the day.

If you want to learn what is Shocking the Medical Community as to the most dramatic weight loss, and health improvements ever seen. There is a revolutionary new approach to weight loss that is not a diet and it is backed by 2 two peer-reviewed studies published in the  Nutrition Journal and the Obesity Journal.

Please click the link below to find out about this revolutionary new protocol (R2M) that is not a diet where people are safely losing weight 12 times faster than on any other diet approach. All diets were analyzed in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Participants who were studied in the Nutrition Journal and Obesity Journal peer-reviewed studies on the R2M protocol lost 16 lbs. in 30 days whereas those in the JAMA study lost 16 lbs. in 12 months on all forms of traditional diet approaches.

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